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Saturday 31 July 2010


Time is a commodity which is wasted by many but is so scarce and precious to us all. There would be a time when I lived on the Internet, I had no job and no prospects in life and found the ability to immerse yourself in the Internet a great relief and escape from where I was at the time.

Now things are different, you have moments in the shower when you think to your self "Wouldn't it be great to be connected with a million people around the world." . Without actually thinking the process through.

May well explain that at the end of day 1, I have 35 Facebook friends and 2 members on my blog log. total 37. If I continued to gain 37 connections a day it would take over 27,000 days to reach one million connections which is just over 74 years.

Now the plan is to do it in one year and so I would have been expected to get 37 connections by 12.17pm GMT yesterday some 17 mins into the project.

Can you see a down side to the plan?

But undeterred I will continue but work and life are still an important aspect this is not real after all and so will be dealt with in its place as a hobby.

It may take a bit longer than planned that's all but at present the goal is still a year away. Not giving up on day one on the target.

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