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Friday, 8 October 2010

In reply

 Luke from left a message

Hi there, have you considered using link referral etc as a way of attracting new visitors. Gaining followers seems a quite a task but if you follow everyone else then more will follow back. It takes more time and investment but can be worth it. Blog catalog also can help you get more followers and retweeting posts will gain more views and maybe in time followers.
Hope this help

Thank you for the comment Luke, and anyones advice is clearly welcome. In response I do have blog clicker at the top and that helps drive thru traffic to the site. I do use blog catalog and mybloglog the site which has created most connections so far is mybloglog closely followed by blogged. I also have this linked in with facebook and twitter so it automatically puts a post on both and I will as time goes by find ways to automate a lot of what I do thru here.

I think the biggest thing you touch upon is time, three years ago I almost lived on the internet and this sort of project would have had my full attention and I would have lost myself in it. Nowadays I have my wonderful lass and a full time job, so these sorts of whims become ideas I have and a desire of wishing to complete the project but simply not having the time to invest into them.

So it has become my hobby, I also collect fridge magnets (yes I know, sad) but now I am collecting connections. It is good to have people like yourself who invest your precious time to read and to comment. Lets see what the future holds but I am looking upon this project as a hobby which will only expand my network of friends with people like yourself.

Thank you for your time.

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