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Sunday, 17 October 2010

Mind over matter

The first thing that comes to mind when I hear mind over matter in the past was a phrase my dad saId. "I don't mind and you don't matter." But I haven't seen my dad for a few years now and when I last saw him it was to be told to "BOGGER OFF and that he didn't want to see me again." So I kept him to his word.

Anyways that is not what I am writing about today. I am writing about funny coincides just the other day I watched a programme on EDEN called "LET IT SNOW" and it talked about a Japanese scientist who had done a study of positive and negative thoughts and how they effected the shapes of snow flakes. Positive music created near perfect flakes whilst negative thoughts and music made more imperfect flakes. Now I thought this was just a flight of fancy,

Then the other day I bought the new Dan Brown book The Lost Symbol (please don't tell me the end as I am only at page 119) But it seemed the premise of part of the book is the Noetic science. On how brain waves can actually alter the mass of an object. Now it is science fiction. But can we actually put a our brains into action and create something completely new.

All these self help books about better conversation and selling, is all normally about the LAW OF ATTRACTION. How positivity attracts positive thoughts and negative thoughts attract negative ones. Now who am I to question it, but it can not be any less of a nonsense than a lot of things that happen today.

So if you matter and you have a mind..... BE POSITIVE!

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