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Thursday 5 August 2010

100 Connections only another 999,900 to go

74 facebook friends 2 followers of the blog 20 contacts on my blog log and 4 followers from my blog log total 100.

It may be a steady start but I always think of the story about the Chinese man who asked to be paid in rice for a job which he did for the emperor. he suggested that on day one he would be given one grain of rice. Then on day two that would be doubled to two and then on day three it would be double to four grains of rice and then on day four doubled to eight and so on until the emperor run out of rice.

The emperor of course laughed thinking that the man would be working forever for a few grains of rice. It was only a matter of weeks before the Chinese peasant had all the grains of rice in China. The doubling effect only needed a short time before he could claim millions of grains of rice.

The reason for the tale, is much like this blog the first few contacts will be hard to find and it will take time to get people to connect. But when the blog is established and I have got to a critical mass of a few thousand I can imagine that the blog will almost be self feeding and the last 900000 people will be easier to add than the first 100000.

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